Daycare and After-school programs

  • Purpose

    It prevents neglect and derailment of immigrant workers' children who have bilingual skills in the age of globalization and trains them as global talents with sound and mature personalities.

  • Necessity

    Children of immigrant workers, who mostly work late at night, need a trust-worthy children's care program.

    They need help in the stable settlement within the Korean society through systematic care and education programs.

  • In ICSC (Immigrant Citizens' Solidarity Social Co-operative)?

    We offer transportation service to fetch kids to go to school and bring them back home. Also, snacks and dinner are provided. (From 13:00 to 19:00 )

    Bilingual education, mutual intercultural education, school learning guidance, sports classes, counseling, and care programs are provided.

Daycare and After School students special activity day - ART class

About page

작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 838회 작성일 22-08-27 13:45

Main text

Today our small children draw a nice picture with an amazing sunset, palm-trees in it. 

Who would have thought that children had such rich imagination. 
