Daycare and After-school programs

  • Purpose

    It prevents neglect and derailment of immigrant workers' children who have bilingual skills in the age of globalization and trains them as global talents with sound and mature personalities.

  • Necessity

    Children of immigrant workers, who mostly work late at night, need a trust-worthy children's care program.

    They need help in the stable settlement within the Korean society through systematic care and education programs.

  • In ICSC (Immigrant Citizens' Solidarity Social Co-operative)?

    We offer transportation service to fetch kids to go to school and bring them back home. Also, snacks and dinner are provided. (From 13:00 to 19:00 )

    Bilingual education, mutual intercultural education, school learning guidance, sports classes, counseling, and care programs are provided.

Daycare and after School students special activity - Dancing class tim…

About page

작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 869회 작성일 22-09-22 17:54

Main text

Today our small friends are practicing moving of Zip Back and Charleston dance.

It's not easy but anyway they are so happy to imitate the moving and swinging their body. 
