We Friends' Aid

  • Purpose and Necessity

    It is a private medical support system of "mutual assistance" where migrants living and working in Korea join as members and help each other. Immigrants often have difficulty in treating diseases caused by failure to subscribe to the national health insurance due to their visa qualification issues. Hence, this system helps them alleviate the aforementioned difficulty.

    We Friends' Aid, ICSC (Immigrant Citizens' Solidarity Social Co-operative), and a number of medical institutions have formed a network to participate in medical support for We Friends' Aid.

  • Joining guide

    Immigrants who are not eligible for national health insurance and have lived in Korea for six months after entering the country..

  • Copy of passport

    1) Copy of passport
    2) Two passport size photos
    3) Registration fee of ₩ 10,000 + First Month Fee of ₩ 10,000 = 20,000won
    (After which one has to pay 10,000 won per month as the membership fee.)

코로나 19 밀접접촉자 검사를 위한 동행 사회서비스

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작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 828회 작성일 21-10-01 10:04

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초등학교에 재학중인 이주배경아동, 청소년 중에 부모님들이 늦게까지 직장생활을 하시기 때문에 

급박하게 코로나19 검사를 해야하는 상황이 생기게 되면 본 기관이 학생들과 동행하여 검사를 도와주고 있습니다. 
