Global Village Korean language institutes

  • Purpose

    The AII-Line (On/Off-Line) Korean Language Institute is operated to ensure that immigrants who want to learn Korean can study without restrictions regarding time and place. It expands the scope of their living areas.

  • Necessity

    It expands the limited living area of immigrants who are experiencing inconvenience due to difficulties in language communication. Also, it protects them from various disadvantages of improper communication.

  • In ICSC (Immigrant Citizens' Solidarity Social Co-operative)?

    Regular Off-Line Korean classes

    On-Line Korean classes without restrictions on time and place

    There are classes run by instructors who teach in Korean and instructors who teach in the immigrant's native language.

Курс корейского языка для русскоговорящих(начальный уровень 1-15)

About page

작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 1,144회 작성일 21-10-15 10:58

Main text

러시아어 사용자를 위한 한국어 교실(초급1-15)   

이주민 시민연대 사회적협동조합의 지구촌 한국어학당에서는 러시아어 사용자를 위한 한국어교실을 운영하고 있습니다
