Jaejjal, jaejjal Mini multicultural Library

  • Purpose

    We provide books and cultural programs in each country's language to immigrant families to create a society that cares and respects each other's diverse culture.

  • Necessity

    Language is a medium that shows the person's overall personality, culture, and ethnic values.

    Therefore, reading books in various languages can help to create a multi-cultural society that enhances the competitiveness of the global era beyond bilingual and bicultural areas.

  • In ICSC (Immigrant Citizens’ Solidarity Social Co-operative)

    Providing books in various languages

    Forming self-help gatherings through reading culture programs and club activities

단원구 노인복지관 자녀 돌봄

About page

작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 417회 작성일 21-07-08 22:04

Main text

단원구 노인복지관에서 어르신분들이 오셔서 상호다문화 대안학교(영어권) 친구들에게 동화책을 읽어주십니다.


우리 친구들 동화책 읽으면서 한국어 실력도 늘었으면 좋겠네요!
