Sharing economy

  • Purpose and Necessity

    Sharing economy refers to a consumption economy in which several people share products or services and utilize resources. In other words, creating new values by sharing things that are unnecessary to some people but can be utilized by others.

  • In ICSC
    (Immigrant Citizens‘ Solidarity Social Co-operative)?

    It not only connects suppliers and consumers for the transaction of goods used at home twice a year but also creates a continuous, limitless cycle by using the proceeds from the sale of donated items as support for the community. We also provide a shared economy platform that hosts places of mutual multicultural understanding that showcases costumes and foods of each country, campaigns for garbage recycle collection, water and environment protection, etc.

10월 15일 지구촌 상호문화 공유경제 나눔축제

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작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 263회 작성일 22-11-09 11:35

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출신 국가와 문화적 배경이 다른 이주민들이 한자리에 모여 서로 즐거운 시간을 갖고 바지회로 모인 수익금은 어려운 이웃을 위해 섬기고자 합니다.
