• Purpose

    Multicultural children and teenagers from different countries and cultural backgrounds harmonize through sports. Furthermore, it promotes communication, interaction and integration among foreign parents.

  • Necessity

    We run programs for intercultural children and teenagers who have difficulty harmonizing with others due to differences in language and cultural background. These programs can help them overcome difficulties in communication through sports. Also, we strive for the integration of parents who serve as guardians to them.

  • In ICSC
    (Immigrant Citizens’ Solidarity Social Co-operative)

    Operation of various sports classes by professional instructors

    We try to identify talented children and adolescents and foster their talents to become aspiring sports athletes

Футбол на уроке физкультуры

About page

작성자 이주민시민연대 조회 691회 작성일 22-09-21 15:30

Main text

Любимый вид спорта у детей это футбол! 

И сегодня можно услышать радостные возгласы ребят, бегущих по зеленой траве.

В форме они, правда, выглядят как настоящие футболисты~
